Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Light in Cage and Toilet

texturing development: jail cell

so ive added bump, colour and incandesence maps to the walls / floor. The ambient maps will be the place to add the colour for dirt i feel after these tests :)

prop placement jail

Prison Stool

jailcell lighting and texturing development

So ive been playing with the lighting for ages. There is now a light (the sun / moon) near the background plane. A spotlighting creating a shadow for the bars in the window. An ambient light inside the room, and a volume light outside the room (in the hallway) so that the bars cast a shadow inside. Ive starteed adding the rusty textures to the bars aswell.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Getting Photorelistic: texturing

ive added the same image to the bump mapping.

starting to get an idea of how we can get it goin goood :)

Bed Frame

Reference images: Prison Cell Bars

Developing textures for jail cell

Reference Images: Prison beds and Toilets

Some reference images of beds and toilets in prisons and jails.

Test render images for repeated wall texture. Simple geometry used to plan out placement of environment props. Ambient light used in room where lightbulb will be placed. Directional light placed outside jail cell.

Light Bulb

creating realistic dirt layer tutorial

Jail Cell Arial Plan

jail cell prop / modelling list

Bed - bed, matress
Front Bars
Shelf - - (personal things on??)
Table / chair?

Cell itself - dirty, line 1/3 up wall, rust on bars, Sunset (time of day), 3 point lighting

Mist / Fog

personal things - poster, cigarettes, ashtray, matches, photos, pencil

Jail cell reference